Tomonokai Co., Ltd. conducted an emergency survey for international student members regarding the status of applications for the Special Fixed Benefit and awareness of the Student Support Emergency Benefit (Continuing Learning Benefit) due to the expanding impact of COVID-19.
2020年5月30日(土)/Saturday, May 30, 2020 株式会社トモノカイ/Tomonokai Co.,Ltd.
Survey method: sent to members only through t-news for global newsletter Survey period: Monday, May 25, 2020 – Friday, May 29, 2020 Subject of the survey: international students (undergraduate and graduate students) who are members Number of Respondents: 49 Respondents: Argentina, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Ghana, Canada, Spain, Tanzania, Tunisia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Vietnam, Peru, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, South Korea
アンケート結果のポイント/Points from the results
Students who are currently staying in Japan:
66.7% of international students responded they have “not applied” for the Special Fixed Benefit yet. <(single answer, n=48)
92.6% of the respondents cited the reason for not applying as “I haven’t received my application form yet. <(Completed response, n=48)
54.2% of international students say they are “unaware” of the Student Support Emergency Benefit (Continuing Learning Benefit). <(Multiple choice, n=48)
回答者の属性と内訳/Respondents’ attributes and breakdown
▼回答者の学年/Respondent’s grade
大学院生の回答が67.3.0%(33人)、次いで学部生16.3(8人)となる。<単回答、n=49>/Graduate students responded with 67.3.0% (33 students), followed by undergraduates with 16.3 (8 students).
▼回答者の国籍/Nationality of the respondents
24カ国(アジア州、アフリカ州、アメリカ州、ヨーロッパ州)の留学生が回答。<単回答、n=49>/International students from 24 countries (Asian states, African states, American states and European states) responded.
▼回答者の滞在先/Are you currently staying in Japan?
回答者の98.0%(48人)が日本に「滞在している」と回答する。<単回答、n=49>/98.0% (48 respondents) of the respondents said they were “staying” in Japan. <(single answer, n=49)
特別定額給付金の申請状況に関する調査/Survey on the status of applications for the Special Fixed Benefit
▼日本政府の特別定額給付金(10万円)を申請はしましたか?<単回答、n=48>/Have you applied for the Special Fixed Benefit (100,000 yen) from the Japanese government?
日本に滞在する 留学生48人のアンケート結果を集計。/The following is the result of 48 international students staying in Japan.
66.7%が特別定額給付金を「申請していない」と回答する。/66.7% say they have “not applied” for Special Fixed Benefit.
▼申請していない方へ – 理由を教えてください。<記入回答、n=33>/To those who have NOT applied – please tell us the reason.
日本に滞在し、まだ申請していない留学生33人のアンケート結果を集計。/ The following is the result of 33 international students who are staying in Japan but have not yet applied.
92.6%が「申請書がまだ届かない」または似た内容のコメントを回答する。/92.6% responded “I haven’t received my application form yet” or a similar comment.
コメント抜粋/Excerpted comments:
オンライン申請の為のICカードリーダーライターがない。手紙が未だに来ていない為、もしかして貰えないと不安である。/There is no IC card reader writer for online application. Since the letter has not yet arrived, I am worried that I may not receive it.(学部3年生・インドネシア)
I am waiting for the application copy (hard form) from the ward office.(博士2年生・バングラディッシュ)
I haven’t received the documents yet. And I do not have My number card.(修士2年生・ウズベキスタン)
I haven’t received the application paper yet.(修士1年生・ペルー)
Didn’t receive the application yet.(博士3年生・エジプト)
I am waiting to receive the application form by post mail .(修士2年生・スペイン)
学生支援緊急給付金(学びの継続給付金)の認知度調査/Awareness Survey of the Student Support Emergency Benefit (Continuing Learning Benefit)
▼「学生支援緊急給付金(学びの継続給付金)」は知っていますか?< 単回答、n=48>/Have you heard of the Student Support Emergency Benefit (Continuing Learning Benefit) by the Government?
日本に滞在する 留学生48人のアンケート結果を集計。/ The following is the result of 48 international students staying in Japan.
54.2%が特別定額給付金を「知らない」と回答する。/54.2% say they “do not know”.
In response to the results of this survey, we have notified international student members how to send the application for the Special Fixed Benefit through our newsletter and Facebook.
We will continue to make effort to support your life in Japan and in providing information on part-time jobs through our newsletters and Facebook. If you have any opinions, requests, or questions, please feel free to contact us.
Let’s get through the COVID-19 pandemic together.
本件に関するお問い合わせ先/For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
株式会社トモノカイ 学習デザイン部門 担当:伊丹・依田 Itami/Yoda, Global Education team, Tomonokai Co.,Ltd.